standard guitar strap vs long guitar strap

Guitar Strap Length Comparison

Miquel Pardo

Commom Guitar Strap Length

59 inches guitar strap is a very commom guitar strap length. Beetwen 55 and 60 inches can be considered a standard guitar strap length for any stringed instrument, such as electric, acoustic, bass guitar, banjo, etc.

Probably mandoline players no need the strap to be as long as guitarists, probably 40 to 50 inches is long enough for them. But also consider that we are speaking about Adjustable Straps , with metal buckle, It mean that a 60 inches guitar strap can be adjusted at it's minimum, around 35 to 36 inches, so, It can be used also for mandoline players without troubles.

adjustable guitar strap with metal buckle

Long Guitar Straps up to 65 Inches and More

Guitar straps with more than 65 inches can be considered long guitar straps. A very common size for a long guitar strap is 70 inches and also sometimes 72 inches. These are already very long guitar straps. These are used commonly for tall guitarists, also for bass players, that very often like to use longer straps than guitarists. Sometimes also for musicians that like to hang their instruments  and play It low.

Comparing A Standard Guitar Strap Length Vs A Long Guitar Strap

You can see bellow a photo comparing the difference in lenght between a 59 inches guitar strap and a 70 inches long guitar strap

standard guitar strap vs long guitar strap

The long guitar strap, in this case is 11 inches longer. ( 28 cm. longer). More than enough for almost all guitarists and bass players. But eventually there are guitarists or bassists asking for even longer straps than 70 inches...So, see bellow a video comparing a 59 inches strap vs a 72 inches strap.

Video Comparing A 59 Inches Strap VS a 72 Inches Guitar Strap

Recently we had a customer that asked us for make his strap longer than 70 inches ( this is our common size for long straps) . He asked us for make It with 72 inches long.

Then, here is the comparison:

We can make vintage guitar straps as long as you want, just contact us and we will do It for you.

All the best, Miquel.

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standard guitar strap vs long guitar strap

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