Eric Clapton guitar strap brown - Pardo Guitar Straps

Brown Clapton Guitar Strap

Miquel Pardo

 Guitar Strap Clapton With Brown Pattern

Here you can see our Eric Clapton Guitar Strap model, this is the first time that my new acoustic guitar is posing with a strap.

And really, my opinion is that this strap model match very well this guitar. The top is spruce, with a very straigth and narrow grain, So the clear brown colors of the strap, besides with the black pickguard, match very well with the strap.

My Newby Acoustic Guitar

This is not a new guitar It is second hand, you can see here and there several dings, more or less big, there are some of them. I have found this guitar very close to my home at a ridiculous price. So, there had no option for let It go¡¡¡


As I mentioned, the frontside is solid wood, spruce, with a very straigth and regular grain. By now I have had some adjustments, such as clean all the guitar, change the saddle and the nut for new ones. The new saddle and nut are made with bone.

I also have adjusted the heigth. The bone nut is OK. But I have a problem with the saddle. It has been adjusted with a very low height, but I will sand also the bridge. I must to make the saddle to go even more lower, so, It only can be done sanding the bridge, reducing aprox. 1 mm to 1'5 mm. Then sand again the saddle and make It go lower.

Choosing A Capo For My Acoustic Guitar

I have spent several days thinking a little bit about capos. Well, I like the capos that have the bolt bellow, in the center of the device, And then the presure is coming from the center.

Finally I have Choosed a Paige, a capo made in US, I like It.

paige capo acoustic guitar

This is the Paige P6-N Capo, for Acoustic Guitar, I like how It works and also how It looks. I was reading some reviews from people that say that once the capo is in the guitar is very difficult to remove It.

They say, so difficult to move the hook that is holding the bar. But, in my opinion is not difficult at all. The only thing that you need to do, is press with your fingers the bar a little bit down. This is because then, you allow the hook to have more room for displace It. 

Paige capo acoustic guitar

Next Step For Convert To A Better Guitar: Sand The Bridge

Yes, I think That I need to do It. Sanding the bridge, just a little bit will allow to adjust the bone saddle lower ( now the saddle is in it's limit...). Doing that, I will put the strings lower and will be more easier to play and enjoy the Guitar. I will make a video and I will post It.

Meanwhile, all the best and Keep On Rockin'

Miquel / Pardo Straps

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